Neighbourhood Houses Gippsland (NHG) funded by the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions Let’s Stay Connect and the Regional Digital Fund, developed a website which collates programs being run from Neighbourhood Houses within the NHG network. The website also showcases the volunteer stories and opportunities within the sector. This is the first time a Network have developed a site like this and believe it will strengthen their work and increase participation from community members across the region. The website can be viewed here:
NHG Network Manager Antonia Halloran-Lavelle said “During the pandemic the Network became stronger than ever and, recognizing the unique differences between what each House provides, wanted to improve access for communities. If the House in your local community is not offering opportunities that meet your need then have a look at what other Houses within the region are offering. Community members can walk into any Neighbourhood House and be met with a warm welcome and access their services.”
The website was launched during Volunteer Week in recognition of the significant contribution volunteers make to the sector. Speaking at Phillip Island’s Community & Learning Centre (PICAL) Antonia said “the variation of volunteer opportunities within Neighbourhood Houses is incredible, they are the backbone of the sector. Opportunities will be advertised on the website as well as showcasing the fantastic work undertaken by volunteers”.