Solar energy, batteries, electric vehicles, smart homes, microgrids and virtual power plants are all the buzz words of the energy future, but what about:
Resilience linked to reliability and access to essential services (energy, water, comms) and self-sufficiency?
Economic benefits – personal benefits via energy affordability & local benefits from community ownership and/or control?
Engagement opportunities, being part of the transition?
Manna Gum Community House promotes environmental sustainability with advocacy, community education, special events and information sessions.
We are committed to help tackle climate change, which is why we have signed up to TAKE2, a Victorian Government initiative. You can read more about TAKE2 and our pledge here.
We assist our local community to access products and services that will collectively reduce our ecological footprint through bulk buying.
The Morwell Free Store is our very own grassroots effort to redirect items from landfill to people who need them. It has been hosted and supported and operates out of the Morwell Neighbourhood House since 2014. People asked us “what happens if you run out of stuff to give away” and in 5 years that hasn’t happened once.
It’s all powered by volunteers and supported by the community and it has sparked other projects such as Repair Cafe Latrobe Valley Morwell Free Store to name a few.