Neighbourhood Houses Gippsland
Current Roles

There are currently no vacancies at present.

You can find the full list of career opportunities by clicking the View Current Links role below. Alternatively, you can find all contact details on our contact page.

General House Volunteers

These roles can vary significantly and are very dependent on the needs of the community and House but can include:

Community garden maintenance
Supporting the House with their Social media/marketing/communication
Running the reception/front of house
Administration support
Odd jobs/maintenance/cleaning

Program Volunteers

Volunteers either have a specific skill and are passing that skill on by running a class or supporting a tutor or the Manager to run the program examples are:

Running Foodbank
Helping prepare a community lunch
Helping participants in a class eg creative art or Computer skills

Committee of Governance (CoG)

Neighbourhood Houses within the NHG Network are Incorporated Associations and as such have a Committee of Governance (or Management) who take on the legal responsibilities of the organisation.

These members are elected at the Annual General Meeting and meet regularly (usually once a month). The CoG looks at the big picture and sets the Neighbourhood House’s strategic goals and policies. The CoG also appoint the Neighbourhood House Manager and manage their performance. Here is the structure:

Neighbourhood House Committee of Governance
Hold legal responsibility for the organisation and appoint the Manager

Neighbourhood House Manager
Manage the day to day operations and implement the CoG’s strategic plan. The Manager appoints and manages all staff and volunteers

Neighbourhood House staff and volunteers are under the direction of the Manager.

Within the CoG there are ‘Executive’ and ‘Ordinary’ roles. The Executive roles have additional responsibilities and are usually made up of the following:

President or Chairperson
Vice- President or Chairperson
Ordinary Members

We’ve all experienced some form of hardship in our lives and we all want the best for people in our community. That’s what keeps me doing what I do, with such a great community spirit here, where everyone gets involved.

Testimonial Name,

I keep coming for the people. Everyone is so very friendly and easy to get on with. It’s like spending every day with family.

Testimonial Name,
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